This is why PM Narendra Modi swears by Neem leaves and Mishri

This is why PM Narendra Modi swears by Neem leaves and Mishri .....

01/5.  PM Modi eats neem leaves and mishri daily

If you have been avoiding neem leaves and flowers all this while, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has got a reason for you to start adding it to your daily routine. On the occasion of Chaitra Navratri, he shared a post and captioned, “To mark the start of the Hindu New Year many people across the nation have Neem and Mishri.” He has further written, “During Chaitra Navratri, many people including me, have juice prepared from Neem tender leaves and flowers.” Let us tell you what makes these combos perfect for the human body. 

02/5​. Benefits of Neem Flower

It is an antiseptic that helps cleanse the system and is also used to cure skin impurities. According to Ayurveda, neem flowers are helpful in calming the system ahead of summer. It is a pitta pacifier and this is why it is used in many homes across South India with the onset of summer season.

03/5​. Benefits of Neem Leaves

It is rich in antimicrobial, antiviral and antioxidant properties and thus helps in strengthening the immune system. It also helps in boosting the digestive system during the seasonal change. It destroys the excess bacteria in the intestinal region and cleanses the colon.

04/5​. Benefits of Mishri

According to Ayurveda, Khadi Shakkar or Mishri is helpful in easing cough, preventing cold and strengthening a weak immune system. It is medicinal in nature and helps increase levels of hemoglobin too. It is also useful in anaemia, pale skin, dizziness, fatigue and weakness. Eating mishri post meal helps improve digestion and also works as a mouth freshener.

05/5​.  Mishri and Neem

Together work as a power-packed immunity booster that also helps improve digestion and strengthen the overall mechanism of the body.

🇮🇳🇮🇳 #Our_Great_PM 🇮🇳🇮🇳

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